Jeffrey Natividad’s Portfolio

Siri Lindley

Design Concept for Siri Lindley

Siri is a Triathlon World Champion and one of the best Triathlon coaches. Siri is listed on the Tony Robbins website as one of the 8 most inspirational speakers.

Brad Schoenfeld

Homepage Redesign Concept for Big Ron Jones

The influencer and personal trainer grew up in a military home and quickly fell in love with playing sports, sharing that when he wasn’t playing basketball, he was playing football.

Dan Lorang

Design Concept for Dan Lorang

Coach to Jan Frodeno, Lucy Charles-Barclay, Anne Haug & the Bora Hansgrohe Cycling, that’s why Dan Lorang has to be considered one of the world’s best triathlon and endurance coaches out there.

Joe Friel

Design Concept for Joe Friel

Joe Friel is the author of “The Triathlete’s Training Bible” and is considered one of the best triathlon coaches. He is also the co-founder of Trainingpeaks, one of the best training platforms.

Brad Schoenfeld

Design Concept for Brad Schoenfeld

Brad Schoenfeld is an internationally renowned fitness expert and widely regarded as one of the leading authorities on body composition training.