Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, CSCS, CSPS, FNSCA
Internationally renowned fitness expert and widely regarded as one of the leading authorities on body composition training.

Brad is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and has been certified as a personal trainer by the NSCA, ACSM, ACE, AFAA, and CanFitPro.
Brad is widely regarded as a “trainer of trainers.” He is a tenured full professor in the Health Sciences Department at Lehman College in the Bronx, NY, and serves as the Graduate Director of the Human Performance and Fitness program. Moreover, he is a dedicated mentor to young sports scientists, and has served as a chair or member on more than a dozen thesis and dissertation committees.

Learn the science and practical applications of training and nutrition for optimizing body composition.

Delivering dynamic workshops and seminars for fitness professionals or custom-tailoring an informative and motivational keynote for the general public at large.

Help setting up a home gym, Help in fitness education or facility design toachieve a healthy business!
Unique Cybertraining program if you are a fitness competitor, figure competitor, or bodybuilder seeking to optimize your physique.

Consulting &
Looking for a speaker for your event? Brad is equally adept at delivering dynamic workshops and seminars for fitness professionals or custom-tailoring an informative and motivational keynote for the general public at large.

If you would like to consult with Brad to address your fitness-related questions, check our our unique Cybertraining program.

Success Stories
Brad has demonstrated time and time again why he is one of the premier scientists in exercise science. Not only has he published numerous peer reviewed articles, he also has written books, articles, and utilized other media to relay complex information to the lay person for consumption. He is exactly the type of person that the fitness industry needs.
Layne Norton | Champion Natural Bodybuilder
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E-mail: brad@workout911.com
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Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, CSCS, CSPS, FNSCA, is an internationally renowned fitness expert and widely regarded as one of the leading authorities on body composition training.
Brad is widely regarded as a “trainer of trainers.”
Brad is a best-selling author of multiple fitness books including The M.A.X. Muscle Plan 2.0 (Human Kinetics, 2021), which has been widely referred to as the “muscle-building bible,” and Strong and Sculpted (Human Kinetics, 2016), which details a cutting-edge body sculpting program targeted to women. Brad also has authored the seminal textbook Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy (Human Kinetics, 2020).